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Discovering affordable wholesale clothing can be a daunting task, especially for those just starting out in the fashion business. When you search online, you’ll find a flood of results in less than 1 second, but for newcomers, finding reliable advice or trustworthy suppliers can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack.

That’s where we step in to help. K-Embroidery specializes in selling bulk children’s clothing and exporting them to strict countries like the UK, USA, and Japan, so we know exactly what it takes to be a top-notch supplier.

In this article, we’ll break down our tried-and-true methods for finding quality wholesale clothing suppliers in Vietnam, making the process simple and straightforward for you.

What Makes A “Standard Wholesale Clothing Factory”?

Suppliers and factories serve as the backbone of the apparel supply chain, demonstrating key attributes that ensure efficiency, quality and reliability in production.

Everyone understands that we need to import goods from reputable, standard clothing suppliers. So have you grasped the standards to create a qualified supplier? Let’s find out with K-Embroidery below.

Product Quality

Product quality is always the primary criterion for selecting suppliers for retail shops. A good supplier should have commitments to product quality as well as after-sales services such as warranties and product returns for damaged items.

To determine whether a supplier you want to collaborate with provides quality products, you need to gather comprehensive information about the products and the current supplier from various sources, such as from friends, acquaintances, or through your own real-life experiences to make the most accurate assessment.

Product quality is the first and most important criterion
Product quality is the first and most important criterion

Furthermore, researching the supplier through online channels such as their own website, information forums, or social media platforms is also a quick way to gather information to help you sort through the suppliers you expect.

Rate of Damaged Goods

At any supplier or wholesaler, providing a stable, high-quality, undamaged supply is very difficult and almost inevitable. However, just because of this, we should not always accept damaged shipments, but rather calculate the rate of damaged goods so that you do not incur too much loss.

When choosing a supplier, you must always monitor the quantity/rate of damaged goods upon delivery or damage due to low-quality standards (after quality inspection).

You cannot guarantee that all products are perfect
You cannot guarantee that all products are perfect

The rate to be determined includes the rate of damaged goods per delivered order, the rate of orders with damaged goods out of the total orders in a statistical period, the value of damaged goods per order, and the total value of damage in a statistical period. From these figures, you will easily compare suppliers within the same product group to make an informed decision on suitable purchases.

Delivery Time Accuracy

An equally important factor directly affecting the operations of production and business of a business is delivery time. When a supplier delivers on time as agreed upon, it helps you accurately gauge the supplier’s capabilities and their reliability for future orders.

All buyers want products to arrive on time
All buyers want products to arrive on time

For instance, when you want to place an order for Christmas clothing in Vietnam for retail purposes, but unexpectedly, due to some reasons, the order arrives later than expected, causing you to not have enough clothing on time to meet market demand, and resulting in a significant financial loss. You wouldn’t want that to happen, would you?

Product Price

Every entrepreneur knows that the input cost or wholesale price of a product directly affects the revenue of a store. If you bring in products with low cost prices, you can sell them at competitive retail prices and attract customers more easily, right? Simply put, with the same type of goods and quality, any supplier that can offer you a “soft” wholesale price is fully deserving of your collaboration.

You should take product price into account
You should take product price into account

Also, you should also pay attention to the delivery costs from the supplier to you because it will always be included in your cost price.

Warranty or Product Return Policies

Indeed, you will have to carefully consider the product warranty terms, product returns from the supplier. As mentioned in criterion 2, in a large quantity batch, there will be some defective products due to the manufacturing process such as torn seams (for clothing items), adhesive peeling off (for footwear items), etc.

Therefore, before deciding to take the goods, you must ask the supplier clearly about the warranty and whether they allow product returns for defective items or not? This is one of the topmost important rights you need to know when collaborating with a supplier.

And if the supplier has reasonable warranty and product return policies, then that is a very big plus.

Suppliers that have warranty or product return policies are "green flags".
Suppliers that have warranty or product return policies are “green flags”.

Compliance and Certifications 

Moreover, compliance with international standards and certifications adds credibility to a factory’s operations. Whether it’s ISO certifications or adherence to specific industry regulations, these credentials attest to a factory’s commitment to excellence.

Where to Find Standard Wholesale Clothing Suppliers From Vietnam?

Finding standard wholesale clothing suppliers from Vietnam can be achieved through various channels. Here are some places that are worth to consider:


Certainly, when you need to quickly learn about something, you will often think of Google first due to its speed and convenience. The same as when you want to find wholesale clothing suppliers in Vietnam, you will find millions of results within 1 second on Google, including factories, wholesale markets, e-commerce platforms, etc.

Not only that, you will be able to see reviews and feedback from industry insiders or previous customers. And these reviews will be a perfect sign so you can filter out suppliers that suit your needs and choose your partner.

You can see all the reviews and feedback on Google
You can see all the reviews and feedback on Google

Here are some pros and cons of finding suppliers on Google:

Pros Cons
  • Google provides access to a wide range of suppliers from various locations.
  • Direct contact with suppliers through their listed contact information.
  • Google’s search algorithms enable tailored searches based on specific criteria.
  • Search results on Google offer a comprehensive list of suppliers without favoritism.
  • Be able to read comments and reviews of other people.
  • No need for physical travel or in-person meetings.
  • Verifying the quality and reliability of suppliers found through Google can be challenging.
  • Risk of encountering scams or fraudulent suppliers exists, especially with unfamiliar companies.
  • Google may offer limited filtering options for refining search results
  • Finding suitable suppliers through Google can be time-consuming, as it often involves thorough research, vetting, and comparison.
  • Lack of integrated transactional support and dispute resolution mechanisms.

Online B2B Marketplace

Websites like Alibaba, Global Sources, and Made-in-China stand as pillars in the realm of B2B e-commerce, renowned worldwide for their extensive supplier networks and comprehensive offerings. These platforms serve as indispensable tools for wholesale buyers seeking suppliers that align with their specific needs and preferences.

Alibaba is the biggest B2B ecommerce platform
Alibaba is the biggest B2B ecommerce platform


Pros and cons of buying wholesale clothes on online B2B marketplace:

Pros Cons
  • Offer a vast array of wholesale clothing options from various suppliers.
  • Buyers often benefit from competitive pricing and bulk discounts when purchasing wholesale clothing.
  • No need for physical travel or in-person meetings.
  • Many B2B marketplaces feature reviews and ratings from previous buyers.
  • B2B marketplaces connect buyers with suppliers from around the world.
  • Buyers may encounter issues with quality control or discrepancies between product descriptions and actual products received.
  • Language barriers and communication issues may arise when dealing with international suppliers.
  • Buyers need to consider shipping costs and delivery times, especially when sourcing clothing from overseas suppliers.
  • Many suppliers on B2B marketplaces require buyers to meet minimum order quantities (MOQs).
  • Risk of encountering fraudulent suppliers or scams on B2B marketplaces.

Wholesale Market

Purchase wholesale clothing at wholesale markets like Ninh Hiep, Dong Xuan, and An Dong markets, which are well-known as the largest wholesale markets in Vietnam. These markets offer a wide variety of clothing styles, designs, and types at varying prices.

The clothing available at these markets is mainly sourced from Guangzhou (China), Thai fashion, or industrial garment factories. One drawback is that some products are of average or low quality, but there are also quality items available, depending on the buyer’s preferences. However, newcomers to these markets may find it challenging to identify quality products.

Ninh Hiep, Dong Xuan, An Dong market
Ninh Hiep, Dong Xuan, An Dong market

Additionally, the wholesale prices quoted by suppliers may not always be accurate, as negotiations often depend on personal relationships and demeanor. Experienced traders can discern a buyer’s level of expertise based on their product selection process and communication style.

As a result, inexperienced buyers may end up paying retail prices for wholesale goods, while only those with established relationships or experience can secure the best wholesale deals.

Here are some advantages and disadvantages of buying clothes from wholesale market:

Pros Cons
  • Wholesale markets offer a wide range of clothing options in one location.
  • Buying wholesale results in significant cost savings per unit.
  • Wholesale markets have readily available stock for quick replenishment.
  • Buyers can interact directly with suppliers and inspect merchandise.
  • Wholesale markets cater to both small and large-scale buyers.
  • Quality of merchandise can vary, with some items being lower in quality.
  • Wholesale markets may have limited supplier diversity.
  • Managing transportation and storage can be challenging.

Garment Factories

With concerns about fraud when ordering online or even going to wholesale markets to see products directly, many buyers choose to go to clothing factories to both come into contact with real products and observe their production process. In addition, ordering directly from clothing factories will result in lower wholesale clothing import prices than buying through intermediaries.

Visiting factories directly helps you avoid scammers.
Visiting factories directly helps you avoid scammers.

When it comes to children’s clothing manufacturing, one name that immediately comes to mind is K-Embroidery. Why? Simply because it is the leading wholesale company in the embroidery industry in Vietnam, always providing opportunities for partners to visit the factory directly to inspect product quality, demonstrating existing prestige.

You are curious? Contact us now for a tour!

Pros and cons of garment factories for buyers wishing to buy wholesale clothing:

Pros Cons
  • Buyers can directly inspect product quality at the garment factory.
  • Cut out middlemen costs, leading to potential cost savings.
  • Greater flexibility for customizing orders according to specific requirements.
  • Quicker production and delivery times compared to sourcing from wholesalers.
  • Establishing direct relationships with manufacturers can lead to long-term partnerships and better deals.
  • Garment factories may have higher minimum order quantities.
  • Factories may specialize in specific types of clothing, limiting options.
  • Communication issues may arise, especially when dealing with non-English speaking factories.
  • Reliance on factory standards for quality control, which may vary.

Trade Shows and Exhibitions

Participating in or attending trade shows and exhibitions related to the garment industry is an excellent way to meet suppliers face-to-face, build relationships, and assess the quality of their products. Events like the Vietnam International Fashion Fair (VIFF) or Saigon Fabric & Garment Accessories Expo are worth considering.

In addition, another way for you to find wholesale product suppliers is to contact industry associations such as the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS). They can provide you with valuable insights and connections to reputable suppliers in the country.

Joining trade shows is an excellent way to meet suppliers face-to-face
Joining trade shows is an excellent way to meet suppliers face-to-face

Pros and cons of finding wholesale suppliers at trade shows and exhibitions:

Pros Cons
  • The trade shows and exhibitions usually have high reputation
  • Allows for face-to-face interaction with suppliers, fostering trust and relationship-building.
  • Opportunity to physically examine product samples and assess quality firsthand.
  • Provides a platform for networking with industry professionals, potential partners, and competitors.
  • Gain insights into emerging trends, technologies, and innovations within the industry.
  • Possibility to negotiate deals and terms directly with suppliers, potentially securing better prices or terms.
  • Participation costs, including booth fees, travel, and accommodation expenses, can be significant.
  • Trade shows require time and effort to attend.
  • Not all suppliers may be present at trade shows, limiting sourcing options.
  • Large trade shows can be overwhelming, making it challenging to identify and choose suitable suppliers.

Social Media and Online Forums

Joining relevant groups or forums on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook or Reddit can connect you with people knowledgeable about sourcing clothing from Vietnam. These are real buyers and very few people promote their own businesses, so you can rest assured about this.

All you need to do is join wholesale clothes groups and forums, then ask “Can you recommend some reputable wholesale clothes suppliers in Vietnam?”. Many people will help you by answering your questions.

Reddit is a great source to start finding
Reddit is a great source to start finding

Moreover, you can ask for recommendations or ask about the supplier directly.

And pros and cons of finding suppliers on social media and online forums:

Pros Cons
  • You can meet many people who sell clothes.
  • You can talk to them quickly.
  • You can learn many different things from others.
  • It is cost-free
  • You can use social media and forums from anywhere with the internet.
  • It can be hard to know if the sellers are honest or not.
  • There might be so much information that it’s hard to understand.
  • Some sellers might try to trick you.
  • It might take a while to find the right seller.
  • It can take a lot of time to find what you need.


In conclusion, finding good wholesale clothing suppliers from Vietnam can be done in different ways. Directly visiting garment factories directly is an excellent option. Not only you can search online on big websites like Alibaba or Made-in-China, but also visit trade shows where many suppliers gather in one place. Social media and online forums are another option where you can connect with people who know about buying clothes from Vietnam.

Each method has its good points and challenges. It’s important to do your research and be careful with scammers. By using these methods wisely, you can find reliable suppliers and get good quality clothes to sell. So, whether it’s online, at trade shows, or through social media, there are many paths to find the right wholesale clothing suppliers from Vietnam for your business.