K-Embroidery delivers worldwide. We send your order to the courier ONLY WHEN you are satisfied. 

Shipping Rates

You will be informed of the exact shipping rates immediately after providing order information including design and quantity. This cost will be clearly stated in the invoice.

We use couriers such as UPS, DHL and FedEx to deliver to different destinations. The cost of shipping will depend on the weight and the destination of the consignment. Please ask your Sale supporter to know how it is calculated.

Lead Time

  • For products that are in stock, it takes only 1-2 days for the products to be prepared for shipping after you have placed the order.
  • For custom and made-to-order products, you should contact our sales agent to get the right production time estimation.

We always aim to dispatch as quickly as possible. But note that we do not work on Sundays & Vietnamese Holidays. Therefore, it might take a few days longer to have your parcel ready to go.

Delivery Time

An order will take 3-7 days to reach your shipping address. Talk to our sales agent to get an accurate estimated delivery time. Meanwhile, here is a table for quick reference.

Destination Shipping Agent Shipping time (Estimated)
US, Canada UPS, FedEx 3-4 days
Mexico UPS, FedEx, DHL 5-6 days
UK, Europe UPS, FedEx 4-5 days
Africa UPS, DHL 6-7 days
Other Contact our sales agent

Shipping Policies

Invoices do not include duty or customs charges. We are unable to provide in advance any information about extra charges applicable in your country while importing from Vietnam. However, please note that these charges are generally the nature of import/export. Please check the details with your national taxation and customs office/body.

Tracking Your Order

You can check your order status at any time. Just fill out all information at TRACK ORDER on our website, or contact your sales agent to receive the latest information.